Monday, March 26, 2012

The sidekick
Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh," he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."
~ A.A. Milne

Three years ago today, Matilda joined the family (thank you, Atlanta Humane Society!).  She’s a pointer-boxer mix, now 3 ½ years old, 65 pounds of bones and muscles, fast as lightning… and completely skittish and submissive. 

She and Asa make a perfect pair.  He’s overly confident and opinionated, and she loves following his lead.  In return, she keeps him alert and energetic by chasing him, trying to wrestle (and always letting him win), and letting him know when those pesky squirrels have invaded the yard and need an immediate talking-to.  The antidote to old age in my house has been a young dog to shake things up.

There’s a little English girl who often comes on the Ellen Show to sing and rap – Sophia Grace.  And each time, she brings her “hype girl” – her younger cousin Rosie who gives her support and confidence.  My dogs have that kind of relationship – Matilda is Asa’s hype girl!  He is more comfortable at all these vet appointments when she comes along. (see Sophia Grace and Rosie in action on Ellen)

And just as Robin would be nothing without Batman, Matilda was absolutely lost when Asa disappeared for surgery and recovery.  She whined constantly, spun in circles, wandered the house and sniffed for him, laid down in his favorite spots, and whined more.  I had to take her on multiple runs to distract her and use up her energy each day he was gone.

Considering he has 10 years on her and she’s so attached to him, she might have an even harder time than me when he leaves us for doggie heaven.  But we’ll worry about that when the time comes.  In the meantime, Batman and Robin keep things exciting (and messy) around here.

Tell me about your experience:
  1. Do you have more than one dog in the house?  How do they get along?
  2. Have you had to help a pet adjust to the loss of another beloved pet?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Update (Happy 19 months cancer-free, Superdawg!)

Asa and I went back to UGA on Thursday for his next restaging appointment.  We go monthly for a checkup and bloodwork (you don’t mess around with aggressively metastasizing cancers like this).  Then every 3 months is a biggie when they restage him.  X-rays and ultrasounds and other scary stuff, oh my!  It takes all day, and I take the day off work when I can because I turn into a cranky Katieball of stress.

Ultimately, the goals are to keep his cancer at bay and to keep him in good working condition… as long as he’s happy and pain free (and has no signs of metastasis).  Superdawg has been feeling good and acting playful for the past several weeks (which is odd for a super senior large dog), so I was confident on Thursday.  BUT I’m always still worried.  Any day could be THE day.

I’ll spare you more play-by-play of my self-absorbed stress and emotions and jump to the conclusion.  Lots of old age symptoms are creeping in, but no issues from his medicines and still no cancer!!!  His oncologist, Dr. R.R., even said we can cut back to restaging every 6 months now.  It feels like such a victory!

Then yesterday, March 10th, brought him to 19 months since his emergency and diagnosis.  I celebrate each and every monthly milestone by treating both my dogs to Frosty Paws doggie snacks and peanut butter.  Yummy!

Tell me about your experience:
  1. How do you and your vet(s) define success for your pet's situation?
  2. How do you celebrate your pet's milestones?

Hazmat gloves & poop bags

A dog owns nothing, yet is seldom dissatisfied. ~ Irish Proverb

My biggest fear about subjecting my dog to chemo treatment was the unknown side effects.  I heard that chemo doesn’t affect dogs the same way it affects humans, and I also heard that they don’t push dogs as far with chemo as they push humans.  Both proved to be true for us, and Superdawg Asa tolerated it quite well… with a few quirks:

It’s dangerous
As I previously mentioned, Asa has been taking maintenance chemo at home everyday since he finished his IV treatment in the fall of 2010.  It’s called cyclophosphamide (a type of metronomic chemotherapy), and I should have noticed that the vet oncologist’s slang term for it is “cyclotoxin.”  Yes, I am administering a hazardous substance at home on a daily basis.  A compounding pharmacy in North Carolina ships a supply of pills to my house each month, and they come with a month’s supply of those blue hazmat gloves.  The bottle and the accompanying literature warn me not to touch the pill without the gloves on, and they instruct me to dispose of the gloves immediately in a sealed plastic bag.

It stinks
Holy overwhelming, smelly dog poop!  Let’s be honest – it doesn’t smell like roses to begin with.  All dogs have stinky waste and toots, and it’s just part of their “charm.”  Well, throw a bunch of hazardous chemicals into your dog’s body, and it takes on an entirely new level of dizzying grossness.  I can’t begin to describe the smell, and I’m sure you don’t need a detailed description.  It’s just gross.

Leave no man behind
Confession:  One reason I bought a house as a single girl (instead of a cute condo or townhouse in the cool part of the city) was to get a big backyard where my dogs could run and play and poop freely.  No more leash walks just for doing “bizness,” no more picking up after them every single time, not for this girl!!

Life’s little way of putting you in your place:  Since chemo makes Superdawg’s poop toxic, guess who’s back to scooping and bagging?  In her own backyard no less!  My neighbors now think I’m weird, but they never ask.

Even more fun:  Stinky, toxic poop must be double-bagged and safely disposed of.

Under a microscope
All of the above add up to laughs and inconvenience.  The bigger challenge for me has been the emotional toll of the monthly oncology checkups.  When your dog is poked and prodded and sampled and examined so often, they find things.  Lots of things.  Even more so because Superdawg is well past the average life expectancy for a dog his size.

For example, he was diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia, and the wear and tear on his kidneys has been exacerbated by the NSAID he takes to complement the chemo.  On a good note, though, the heart problem is controlled by a small pill twice a day, and his kidney issues (which could have been helped by the kidney diet dog food they prescribed but he wouldn’t eat) have been mitigated by fish oil pills.  Yep, the same ones you take for your brain and heart and whatever other reasons.

I get way more information than I bargained for at these monthly checkups.  I honestly can’t decide if it’s good to know every little thing that goes wrong.  I focus on the issues that cause him discomfort or pain or could be fixed by a non-invasive intervention.  I’m not willing to subject him to another surgery or uncomfortable experience.

Tell me about your experience:
  1. How have you found humor or encouragement when dealing with your dog’s cancer?
  2. What side effects has your dog experienced?  How did you handle them?
  3. What are the monthly recheck appointments like for your dog?  For you?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Asa goes to chemo

(Photo by Alecia Lauren.
Why does his hair look like that? ~ my nephew, age 5 at the time

Deciding to do chemo was an agonizing choice.  If I said no, Asa and I would only have 2-ish more months together before the cancer was supposed to metastasize very quickly.  If I said yes, we would potentially get a few more months together – likely no more than 6 months - and chemo wouldn’t be an actual cure.  “This kind of cancer always metastasizes,” I was told, and there aren’t any other “optional” organs like his spleen.  Its favorite next targets are the liver and the heart – both dealbreakers.

I thought and stressed and thought and cried, and it all came down to the fact that I wasn’t ready to accept defeat and do nothing.  To me, the chemo was a Hail Mary pass, not just something to delay the inevitable.  (At the risk of bragging, my dog turned out to be Tim Tebow.  Our Hail Mary pass found a talented receiver downfield, and we’re now just a few days shy of 19 months since his diagnosis)

So we went for it – 5 IV treatments of Doxorubicin at the vet school, spaced every 2 weeks.  Then we started daily metronomic chemo pills at home, starting 2 weeks after the 5th IV treatment.

Before the 1st IV treatment, our vet oncologist Dr. R.R. recommended a cardiac consult to make sure his heart was strong enough to withstand the chemo (it’s poison afterall).  Asa passed the cardiac tests, and I thought it was just more $$$ down the drain.  But…  a few months later, Dr. R.R. told me of another dog who was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma and started the same chemo protocol at about the same time as Asa.  Her owner decided not to do the cardiac consult in order to save a little bit of money, but the dog’s heart wasn’t strong enough, and she died from heart failure brought on by the chemo…  So you’ve been warned.

Each IV treatment made for a long day.  We had to be at the vet school between 8-9am, so we’d leave home at 7.  They would perform a full physical, bloodwork, x-rays, and an ultrasound (which required shaving his torso from his armpits to his man parts – not a good look!).  After all those steps (including standing in line for the ultrasound machines behind emergencies and surgeries), they would put in the order for the chemo cocktail, which took additional time but couldn’t be requested from the pharmacy until he was deemed ok to proceed.

The price of the IV chemo medicine fluctuated.  Apparently the batches come in various bulk sizes, and of course, Asa just so happens to weigh too much for one size and too little for the next largest size.  For the first couple of treatments, there was another dog on the same chemo, so I learned I was splitting the cost of the medicine with that dog’s owner.  For the final 3 doses, we were going it alone – so the cost of the drug itself doubled.  Only a couple hundred dollars difference each time, but still, it was another variable in an unknown world.  I found it stressful because there were so many changing variables, and I didn’t know what would come next – or if he’d even survive to the next treatment.

I should probably dedicate an entire post to the oddities of canine chemo.  It was such a rollercoaster to go through, but now in hindsight with a dog that survived because of it, I have some handy (even humorous) insights.  So more on this topic next time...

Tell me about your experience:

  1. What are/were chemo days like for you and your pet?
  2. What risks and side effects were you warned about?  Which ones came true?
  3. What do you know now that you wish you had known then? (about whatever topic you choose :) )