Monday, March 26, 2012

The sidekick
Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh," he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."
~ A.A. Milne

Three years ago today, Matilda joined the family (thank you, Atlanta Humane Society!).  She’s a pointer-boxer mix, now 3 ½ years old, 65 pounds of bones and muscles, fast as lightning… and completely skittish and submissive. 

She and Asa make a perfect pair.  He’s overly confident and opinionated, and she loves following his lead.  In return, she keeps him alert and energetic by chasing him, trying to wrestle (and always letting him win), and letting him know when those pesky squirrels have invaded the yard and need an immediate talking-to.  The antidote to old age in my house has been a young dog to shake things up.

There’s a little English girl who often comes on the Ellen Show to sing and rap – Sophia Grace.  And each time, she brings her “hype girl” – her younger cousin Rosie who gives her support and confidence.  My dogs have that kind of relationship – Matilda is Asa’s hype girl!  He is more comfortable at all these vet appointments when she comes along. (see Sophia Grace and Rosie in action on Ellen)

And just as Robin would be nothing without Batman, Matilda was absolutely lost when Asa disappeared for surgery and recovery.  She whined constantly, spun in circles, wandered the house and sniffed for him, laid down in his favorite spots, and whined more.  I had to take her on multiple runs to distract her and use up her energy each day he was gone.

Considering he has 10 years on her and she’s so attached to him, she might have an even harder time than me when he leaves us for doggie heaven.  But we’ll worry about that when the time comes.  In the meantime, Batman and Robin keep things exciting (and messy) around here.

Tell me about your experience:
  1. Do you have more than one dog in the house?  How do they get along?
  2. Have you had to help a pet adjust to the loss of another beloved pet?


  1. Happy birthday, Tilly! What a wonderful relationship these two have.

    Batman and Robin
    Sophia & Rosie
    Asa and + Tilly.

    Love it!

  2. We have a pug and a lab mix at home. We rescued Zoey (the lab mix) a little over a year ago from a hoarding situation. She was forty-seven pounds of timid skin and bones when we brought her home. Over the course of the past year, she has (as we joke) become a pug due to Dexter's pug personality. He has helped her gain confidence, learn how to play, and learn how to eat (or want to eat constantly). Zoey's up to her ideal weight of around fifty-five pounds now with the help of her best friend. They love to wrestle, go for walks and take naps....always together. If one leaves, the other whines. They're inseparable!

    Thanks for this blog, it's very touching for dog owners. I've shared it with loads of dog loving friends!
